

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Connections Home

It is 1:30am and is quiet here with the exception of the occasional rain shower and general nightly buzz from the jungle. I had no intent of staying up this late, but I am glad I did. Right as I was about to go to bed, I decided to try and make a few phone calls home through the computer. This time of night is perfect for the 15 hour time differences. And it worked! I can't express how wonderful it is to stay connected with everyone. Thank you to all that I cold-called for answering your phones! I love it. The phone rings and rings and the anticipation grows. Will she answer? Does he have a clue that it is me? Aside from my twin brother, no one intuitively knew I was calling. And to see a weird number appear on your phone, that looks like its from unknown town USA, it can be easy to ignore.

 I learned that the Sisters Folk fest is in full swing with two more days of music, dancing and friends festing. And I loved hearing about various outdoor adventures, weddings, birthdays, that my house is in good hands and all are well in Bend. It is somehow comforting to know that not much has changed since I have been gone. I can visualize the rush of school starting and the dry (somewhat smoky) days lingering a few more weeks until the fall chill sets in for good.  Thank you. Love you all and will continue to cold-call at random. Although the connection is clear and I sound like I am next door, I am just an ocean or two away.

So if your phone rings... :)

1 comment:

  1. hey mary! sorry we missed your call last weekend -- it was great to hear your voice on the machine... expect a fairly heavy box addressed to ibu mary thomas to arrive at the school in about a week! -kari
